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在人文素质课程教学中,实施教学改革,以务实、创新为原则,从教学内容的选择,到教学方法的应用,特别是在教学活动中“四个一”形式的运用,都给这门课增添了新的活力,取得了令人满意的效果。  相似文献   
This research investigated the relationships among symptoms associated with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), perceived stress, and resilience in college students. In our study of 558 college students (175 men, 383 women), we confirmed the hypothesis that the relationship between ADHD symptoms and perceived stress is mediated by protective factors associated with resilience. The relationships were not significantly moderated by sex. Implications for increasing resilience in college students and lowering perceived stress for college students are discussed.  相似文献   
主动学习帮助学生保持注意力并提升课堂参与度,从而提升教学效果。教师在实践主动学习教学时面临的一个主要的问题是如何评价主动学习教学活动是否保持了学生的注意力,从而改进主动学习教学过程。针对该问题,"离散数学"课程组开发了面向主动学习的注意力分析系统,并以此为基础进行了主动学习教学过程改进实践。通过将主动学习教学过程注意力分析与记录系统与课堂随访相结合,课程组有针对性地改进了教学过程,提升了教学质量。  相似文献   
“后散文”就是这样一种姿态的散文,它不属于任何流派,也不带浓厚的技术痕迹。我们所看到的,既有内心的,也有文化的;既有主流的,也有边缘的。各种文化、思想和风格在“后散文丛书”中得到了充分展现。从中我们能读到这种市场之“后”的“非媒体散文”,它不时尚,不急躁,不过分自我,能包容对世界的不同看法。或许,正是这样的写作,才更有可能抵达写作的本来意义;让文字与思想、与命运、与灵魂真正融合。  相似文献   
The aim of the present research is to assess the developmental pattern of the metacognitive knowledge of attention in Italian primary school students. Data were collected from 95 pupils divided into two age groups: the first (6–8 years) and second primary school cycles (8–10 years). The children were asked to perform two specific thematic drawings on attention vs inattention in the school context. The drawings were coded on the basis of the Children’s Awareness of Attention through Drawing, consisting of five scales which explore the behavioural, pragmatic, cognitive, emotional and social awareness of attention. The analysis of the thematic drawings reveals that from the early years of primary school, children are aware of some components of attention: behavioural awareness, pragmatic awareness and social awareness. Other components are instead acquired as of the age of eight.  相似文献   
“违反医疗中的注意义务”是医疗过失的本质。违反注意义务的判断标准在刑法理论上分歧较大。英美法系存在着客观说与主客观统一说之分,大陆法系存在着主观说、客观说、折中说之分,而中国刑法学则存在着主观说与主客观统一说之分。通过对医疗过失中违反注意义务标准的比较研究,提出客观注意的主观化标准学说。  相似文献   
本文针对中小学教育的现状,通过生理、心理的科学分析,阐明教育首先要讲科学,不仅要遵循学生身体的发展规律,更要遵循学生心理的发展规律,那些违背规律的做法是极其有害的,是需要引起重视并加以纠正的。  相似文献   
声乐艺术通过旋律和语言来表达歌曲的内涵,民族声乐演唱讲究"字正腔圆","声情并茂".本文分析和了解了歌唱中咬字、吐字的重要性,阐述了如何做到字正,和咬字吐字不清的原因及解决方法.  相似文献   
通过对中学语课堂历史与现状现象的分析,提出“改变教育观念,重建课堂教擘新秩序、关注每一位学生,让课堂充满情意,开展研究性学习,调整课堂结构”等方面的思考,为社会培养有感情、会学习的人.  相似文献   
Elementary school teachers often implement classroom behavioral management systems to address student misbehavior. Common problems targeted by these systems are the inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive behaviors characteristic of attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This study examined teachers' attributions for why children display ADHD behaviors, and how such attributions affect their experiences with children in the context of interventions to manage these behaviors. Participants were 32 preservice teachers undertaking a practicum in a summer program for 137 children (Grades 1–3), some of whom had ADHD. Teachers were trained to implement classroom‐wide behavioral management. Teachers' attributions for children's ADHD behaviors were assessed using a vignette measure, before teachers had met their students or begun training on intervention techniques. When controlling for attributions regarding oppositional behavior, teachers' initial attributions for ADHD behaviors as less internal/controllable predicted children reporting more positive relationships with that teacher during the summer program. Teachers' initial attributions for ADHD behaviors as less stable predicted teachers' greater satisfaction with the intervention techniques during the summer program and their greater attunement to children's social networks. Cognitions about the causes of children's ADHD behaviors held by preservice teachers may relate to their subsequent experiences with children in the context of implementing classroom behavioral management.  相似文献   
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